Welcome to 2024!

A deer stands alone near the barbed fence as the snow falls. Hay stacks and land covered with deep snow.

Snow finally arrived on Dec. 27th!

We celebrate its arrival as we enter the New Year!

A 24-hour storm and blizzard laid nearly a foot of snow in some areas of Dawes County. This did not stop the deer from venturing into the cold, windy day.

We were all happy to see the white stuff arrive,

It’s a Beautiful Day on the Prairie.

Pasture grasses poke through the snow covered fields. Hay stack with snow and high country buttes in the background.

Drive along our frozen prairie roads (in a 4-wheel drive), and you will find amazing life flourishing out here during our winter. Life keeps moving forward without paying too much attention to turning another year. Here, the antelope are gathered, and turkeys are found atop many snow-covered bales, scratching for seeds and insects within the hay. Steam escapes the frost-coated backs of cattle.

Look up. You might spot a Golden or Bald eagle sweeping over the trees for prey.

On the prairie, we welcome the New Year with gratitude for the moisture laid down over wheat fields and pasture.

We wish you all the very best for 2024. It is an incredible time.

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