by Regina Ochoa
Howdy folks,
If you have yet to go to Deadhorse Creek Market, stop soon. The little market has lots of goodies on display.
It is located just east of Trunk Butte School, a little more than 7.5 miles west of Chadron, on the north side of the blacktop off Hwy 20, smack next to the wheat field.
The market is open June 16 through October 16, all day, every day, 10 am—dusk, as long as there are things to sell to passersby.
So, let’s take a peek inside… the little open door.

“Stax” is our greeter. He is a friendly fellow. You’ll find him in his customary work wear—flannel and denim.
His stuffed pumpkin head always has a smile and a twinkle in his eye.
Folks often ensure he has a fresh drink on these hot summer days.
Stax says, “Around these parts, ya’ll gotta stay hydrated.”
Shopping in the market is on the honor system. It used to be this way in the good old days when doors were left unlocked for a weary or thirsty traveler.
Please sign the guest book, look around, and explore the items stacked on the narrow shelves.
You’ll find homemade jellies, jams, pickled cukes, and cinnamon stick pickles here.
Hand-turned wood-carved kitchen implements on the red and white checked covered tables: several rolling pins in assorted woods, a knife block or two, and turned bowls perfect for chips and nuts. New for sale are handmade birdhouses plus other fun items.
Open the cooler and discover farm-fresh eggs or the morning’s just-picked veggies. There is even an old-fashioned recipe book or two for sale, waiting for you to find out how cooking is done in the rural landscape of Nebraska.

This little market is the brainchild of Bill and Ava Hawthorn. Their homestead farm is across the road, where along the creek are often seen the sheep nibbling in the pasture. By summer, the lambs have had their young so that you might glimpse the littles under the foot of the ewes.
Stop on in and check us out!
Deadhorse Creek Market or call: 308-432-5266.